We are a chartered chapter of the ETE, which is the premiere North American organization focusing on European railroading. Founded in 1973, ETE serves modelers, railway fans, related organizations, and the community through public events, working model displays, media presentations, and the publication of our quarterly journal, the ETE Express. There is a Google Groups forum set up to facilitate communication among ETE members. Our Chapter also has a Facebook presence.
We generally meet in the central Arizona (Phoenix) area, but have members as far away as Tucson, and occasionally meet there as well. Our interests in European trains include, but are certainly not limited to
Austrian (OBB), British( BR, GW, LNER), Danish (DSB), French (SNCF), German (DB, DRB), Prussian (KPEV), Swiss (SBB, BLS, RhB)
We have members modelling in
HO (2 rail DC, and Märklin 3 rail AC), N, O, Z, and G. We use DCC and Märklin digital.
We enjoy variety, and love learning about what others are doing.
For more information about us, please contact us.Find our web site at www.ete.org, click the "Chapters" link, then click on Arizona on the U.S. map.Bob Rebsamen, chapter president
Email: sbbcffffs@cox.netTim Johnson, chapter secretary
Email: SBB_BLS_Bahnen@cox.net
Annual dues: $10 or $20*. (No local dues this year. *National ETE
dues: $10 if Express Quartly received electronically; $20 if Express
received by U.S. Mail)
Send dues
to chapter treasurer:
We participate is several train shows and swap meets. See photos of the last Railfair, and prior Railfairs.
We are also beginning to build modules which can be connected together to form a much larger layout, and yet still remain portable. See our progress on the Module Project.
We generally meet the second Saturday of odd numbered months. The venue changes often so everyone gets a chance to host a meeting if they choose. Meetings may be at a member's residence, restaurant, or other location.