Central Arizona Chapter
September Minutes

Greetings One and All,
In attendance at today's work session were Alfred Rayher, Bill Nagel, Kent Taylor and myself.
Those in attendance discussed the logistics of moving the modules from Alfred's to McCormick Railroad Park and we came to the conclusion that we do not have enough people to accomplish the mission without possibly damaging the modules or ourselves. Not to mention the fact that we would have to store the modules somewhere as Alfred is leaving for California a week before the Rail Fair date and again until Alfred gets back. Therefore we decided that in lieu of the modules we will be displaying our valiant little Marklin layout, Sam's castle, Bill's G scale locomotives and a small HOe/N scale layout (It will be the same track plan as our Marklin layout, but smaller). If anyone else has something that they would like to display you are more than welcome to bring it to the fair.
We also need to know who is available to man the display, so please e-mail back which days you are available. Saturday the 10th, Sunday the 11th or both.
I realize that this is a great disappointment as we had hoped that the modules would have possibly attracted new members, but the logistics are against us.
CJ Hanselman