Central Arizona Chapter
December Minutes

The December meeting was held at Tim and Karen's home in Tucson. Present at the meeting were Art and Barbara Bailey, Andy O'Brien, and Tim and Karen Johnson.

We spent a bit of time in the Johnson's train room checking out the layout. We also discussed building straight modules for the Chapter layout.

We talked about dues for next year, and we currently have only the National ETE dues. We decided that each member should submit his or her dues directly to National rather than passing them through Andy. However, please let Andy know when you send in your dues so he can keep track of our membership.

Since Alan Todd will be updating the membership form soon, you might want to wait for the new form if you haven't already sent in your 2015 dues. The current form is always available as a link on the ETE web site page at http://www.ete.org/membership

Our next meeting will be in January, time and place to be decided.

Respectfully submitted,
Tim Johnson, Secretary